Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Back into the groove of things...

Well hello..... no time, no talk. Life is....well uncharicteristacally hectic in every single way yet I suppose that is the norm. Well for starters....I just got married almost two months ago....and my husband is absolutely wonderful. Marriage is so wonderful....yet I can see how much hard work it is! Just when you think things are going smoothly.....WAHBAM!!!! It gets crazy....as two people who've come from completely two different families and ways of life are trying to get used to living together and being one with each other.

So....since life is super amazing and crazy busy....I figured it might be good to continue just writing my feelings. I haven't touched my diary since two years ago..... and as much as that is something that I would like to get into again....I think this is a bit easier for now. Typing..... that is.....I can be long winded so that means writing can only be so much longer! haha That must mean I am still a Winder at heart even though I am now a Wright.....when i can't write....lol. Yup...that was way to corny.

But all corniness aside.... I am really wanting to get back into this..... so hopefully my excitement for it continues to bubble over into the days that follow.

But for now.... I will leave it at that! Goodnite blogging world!!! I probably won't have many reads but who cares really!!! :)

1 comment:

  1. i care :) and practically glowed with excitement when I saw that you finally wrote again!!! Good for you! Can't wait to read more!!! love you...xoxo
